
Java 6 and 7 with the dotted/dotless I

Imagine you’re working on a project in Java where you are handling text in a language that contains characters outside the standard 128-character ASCII scheme, such as Turkish. How about we focus on the dotted and dotless I:

Letter Description Unicode (decimal) Unicode (Java hex)
İ Upper-case dotted I 304 u0130
I Upper-case (dotless) Latin I 73 u0049
ı Lower-case dottless I 305 u0131
i Lower-case (dotted) Latin I 105 u0069

This is how the lower and upper-case versions of the Turkish dotted/dotless “I” relate:

Image of combining-dot-above-i

Since we know that the hexadecimal Unicode representation of the upper-case dotted “I” (İ) is u0130, how about we try and and convert it to its lower-case form, which should be the regular lower-case Latin “i”, which in Unicode hexadecimal form is u0069.


If we run this same code under Java 6 and Java 7 we get:

Image of combining-dot-above-i

Hmm - I may be mistaken, but it looks like under Java 7 the “i” has grown another dot! Let’s see what the Unicode codepoints in the resulting string look like using the following code:

int offset;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += offset) {
    int codepoint = s.codePointAt(i);
    offset = Character.charCount(codepoint);
    System.out.print(String.format("u%04x ", codepoint));

If we run again run this in Java 6 and Java 7 against the toLowerCase method on the upper-case dotted “I” we get:

Java 6: u0069
Java 7: u0069 u0307

It looks like the first codepoint is indeed correct (the Latin lower-case “i”), but what is u0307? Wikipedia tells us) it’s the “combining dot above”, which is to say that it is displayed as a single character (called a grapheme) it modifies the previous character with an additional dot, just like we saw in our example.

What’s puzzling about this is why do we see the behaviour of toLowerCase change between Java versions? If you dig into the Java 7 String class and compare the code against the Java 6 source, you’ll see that the following code was added to Java 7:

} else if (srcChar == '\u0130') { // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I DOT
    lowerChar = Character.ERROR;

Basically the end result of this change is that for this specific case (the upper-case dotted I), Java 7 now consults a special Unicode character database (http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/SpecialCasing.txt), which provides data on complex case-mappings. Looking at this file you can see several lines for the upper-case dotted I:

0130;  0069 0307;   0130;   0130;
0130;  0069;        0130;   0130;       tr;
0130;  0069;        0130;   0130;       az;

Entries with a language take precedence over those without, so in my JVM where the default locale is English, the first row of the mapping is used, which lines-up with the codepoints that we saw outputted in our Java 7 example. Therefore to make Java do the right thing here for Turkish, we need to explicitly specify the Turkish locale (“tr” is the ISO 639 alpha-2 language code for Turkish) to the toLowerCase method:

dumpUnicodeCodePoints(String.valueOf('\u0130').toLowerCase(new Locale("tr")));

This now yields a result consistent with what we expect the Turkish lower-case mapping:


The bottom line is that Java 6 will always convert the upper-case dotted “I” to a lower-case Latin “I”, whereas Java 7 is following the complex Unicode case mapping based on the locale passed into the toLowerCase method, which defaults to Locale.getDefault() if you don’t supply one to the toLowerCase.

Oh, and one last tip - for most lower-case mappings the String.toLowerCase method defers to Character.toLowerCase. But take stock of the advice given in the Character.toLowerCase JavaDoc comment, especially in the second and third paragraphs:

 * Converts the character (Unicode code point) argument to
 * lowercase using case mapping information from the UnicodeData
 * file.
 * <p> Note that
 * {@code Character.isLowerCase(Character.toLowerCase(codePoint))}
 * does not always return {@code true} for some ranges of
 * characters, particularly those that are symbols or ideographs.
 * <p>In general, {@link String#toLowerCase()} should be used to map
 * characters to lowercase. {@code String} case mapping methods
 * have several benefits over {@code Character} case mapping methods.
 * {@code String} case mapping methods can perform locale-sensitive
 * mappings, context-sensitive mappings, and 1:M character mappings, whereas
 * the {@code Character} case mapping methods cannot.
 * @param   codePoint   the character (Unicode code point) to be converted.
 * @return  the lowercase equivalent of the character (Unicode code
 *          point), if any; otherwise, the character itself.
 * @see     Character#isLowerCase(int)
 * @see     String#toLowerCase()
 * @since   1.5
public static int toLowerCase(int codePoint) {
    return CharacterData.of(codePoint).toLowerCase(codePoint);

About the author

Hadoop in Practice, Second Edition

Alex Holmes works on tough big-data problems. He is a software engineer, author, speaker, and blogger specializing in large-scale Hadoop projects. He is the author of Hadoop in Practice, a book published by Manning Publications. He has presented multiple times at JavaOne, and is a JavaOne Rock Star.

If you want to see what Alex is up to you can check out his work on GitHub, or follow him on Twitter or Google+.

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